Canon EFS 18-135 mm with Image Stabilization

R 300.00 / day

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Product Details

SKU: Canon EFS 18-35mm

The Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Nano USM is a versatile zoom lens that is suitable for both still and video applications.The lens features a unique Nano USM autofocus system, which combines ring-type USM and STM focusing mechanisms to provide the focusing speed and accuracy required by photographers and the smoothness and quietness required by videographers.

  • 18-135mm focal length
  • Maximum aperture: f/3.5-5.6
  • Designed for cropped sensor Canon DSLR cameras
  • Fast subject tracking
  • Smooth Autofocus
  • Silent focusing
  • 4-stop Optical Image Stabilisation and Dynamic Image